Flora Detail

Common Name Cape everlasting, pink everlasting, pink strawflower, (Eng.); rooisewejaartjie(Afr.)
Family Asteraceae
Date Observed 26-06-2021
Category Shrubs
Catalogue No. 3307RG
Flowering Time Spring,Summer
Colour Pink to Mauve
Locations Observed
Koppie Few
Nature Reserve Few,Many
Small Holding Few,Many
Village Few
Greater Rooiels

Phaenocoma prolifera


Cape everlasting, pink everlasting, pink strawflower,  (Eng.); rooisewejaartjie(Afr.)

Phaenocoma is a genus of South African plants in the tribe Gnaphalieae within the family Asteraceae. The name is derived from the Greek roots φαίνω (to shine) and κόμη (hair), which refer to dry and shiny invocural bracts. Phaenocoma prolifera has just the one species. It is common in the fynbos on mountain slopes in the Western Cape and can easily be spotted from a distance. 
Flowers used in potpourri for colour, not smell. 

Extract from Inaturalist